H A C I  B A Y R A M  V E L İ   

 A N A D O L U  L İ S E S İ 



SINIF:  11-E

NUMARA:  132




One day I was picking watermelons in the garden. While I was picking watermelons, I came across a baby turtle and I notified my family and they saw it too. He was alone and the weather was cold, I was sorry for him and didn’t want to go alone.

I was alone like him and had no friends, I believed it would bring luck. I had told my parents that I wanted to take him home at first, but my parents wouldn’t let him. now my parents are used to my little turtle friend.

In the first days, he did not eat, drink water or get used to the house. In the following days he ran away from his house, toured the whole house and fell asleep in a corner. We saw him with my family, it was funny.

Then we got used to each other very much.

We went with him, I rescued him from the dogs, I was worried about that little turtle, I tried to be a good friend to him, I wanted to be a family to that little turtle.

He’s still a little baby.

We walk together, have fun, talk, listen to music, watch movies, read books together, that little turtle looks at me while I do homework.

Eat lettuce and green beans

Eats cucumbers, eats apples, eats bananas

But he doesn’t like bananas

He doesn’t drink much water.

In the past my parents didn’t want him in our house

They love so much now

My sister is afraid of the turtle

I am glad the turtle is my friend.

He was quiet when he was a baby and started making noises when he grew up.

Started to move, likes to walk.

When he needs to sleep in the winter, he cannot sleep because he is smaller.

she’s a brave baby, she’s not afraid.

I guess he wouldn’t be afraid in the past, he’s good with me. will be a fearless turtle in the future.

He loved to eat in the light, loved to sleep, loved warm places, loved sleeping on my neck, loved my family too, and my family loved him, that little turtle.

When I slept I saw them feeding him

Like one of our little turtle family, we’ll celebrate her birthday in the future

This beautiful baby’s name is PAYTAK

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